Not only does Discover offer some of the very best credit cards, but Discover Bank pays high interest on savings accounts and a wide range of CD terms.
Business savings accounts can help you manage your company’s money and earn interest on the balance. Here’s a look at the best business savings accounts.
Here’s a look at the best money market account rates in 2024 to help you on your quest to get the best return on your cash while maintaining FDIC insurance coverage.
Certificate of deposit (CD) earnings can be impressive, depending on the interest rate and term. Learn how CD investments work and how much you can earn from one.
Americans keep an average of $41,600 in savings, but this doesn't tell the whole story. Keep reading to find out how much Americans are saving and how much you should save.
Looking for a guaranteed, attractive return in exchange for leaving your savings untouched for two years? Here are the best two-year CDs available today.
Knowing the key differences between a certificate of deposit (CD) and a high-yield savings account (HYSA) can help determine which account is best for you.
Banks and credit unions offer savings accounts for kids and teens to help them reach their financial goals. Learn which kids' savings accounts rate the best.